The DAMA Data Management Framework can also be depicted as an evolution of the DAMA Wheel, with core activities surrounded by lifecycle and usage activities, contained within the structure of governance.
Core activities, including Metadata Management, Data Quality Management, and data structure definition (architecture) are at the center of the framework.
Lifecycle management activities may be defined from a planning perspective (risk management, modeling, data design, Reference Data Management) and an enablement perspective (Master Data Management, data technology development, data integration and interoperability, data warehousing, and data storage and operations.)
Usages emerge from the lifecycle management activities: Master data usage, Document and content management, Business Intelligence, Data Science, predictive analytics, data visualization. Many of these create more data by enhancing or developing insights about existing data. Opportunities for data monetization may be identified as uses of data.
Data governance activities provide oversight and containment, through strategy, principles, policy, and stewardship. They enable consistency through data classification and data valuation.
The intention in presenting different visual depictions of the DAMA Data Management Framework is to provide additional perspective and to open discussion about how to apply the concepts presented in the DMBoK. As the importance of data management grows, such frameworks become useful communications tolls both within the data management community and between the data management community and our stakeholders.